A comprehensive look into the aspects of psychology that are obviously intertwined by the teachings of Islam, but which are easily overlooked by many people. This blog's purpose is to point out the undoubted connection the study of the human brain, mind, soul, and their envrionments have with the teaching of the Holy Qur'an and Sunnah (actions and sayings) of the beloved prophet Muhammed (May God's Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him).

Monday, May 01, 2006

The Biological and Social Aspects of Marijuana Use: Recreational and Medicinal

Here is the ever so famous article which wrote on marijuana which was selected to be published for College of DuPage. Due to unfortunate circumstances, I was not able to submit my finalized form of the article.

“I smoke two joints in the morning, I smoke two joints at night, I smoke two joints in the afternoon, it makes me feel alright” (Nowell “Smoke Two Joints”).
Most teenage pot smokers undoubtedly know this quote. Many youth literally live by this quote, belittling the fact that marijuana has many repercussions on the mind, body, and soul. The biological effects of recreational marijuana abuse in adolescents are indeed very detrimental. They are detrimental at the time of use, and they are detrimental with long-term usage, which cause negative effects that could possibly last throughout the user’s lifetime. If these harmful effects are coming at the time of adolescence, which is a period of time during development where the body is susceptible to all kinds of diseases and conditions, the lasting effects of marijuana use can be quite serious. Therefore, marijuana should not be legalized for recreational purposes. However, in circumstantial medical cases, the use of marijuana, or derivatives of marijuana, can be beneficial to people who are medically ill, and legislation should allow it to be prescribed by medical doctors. The very nature of the substance is highly toxic, contrary to the belief that it is pure and all natural.
Marijuana is another name for cannabis sativa, which is a plant that has a high level of toxicity. It can be abused as a recreational substance. The plant itself contains approximately 400 chemicals (Williams 12). Within the 400 chemicals in the marijuana plant, there are about 60 cannabinoids. Cannabinoids are organicsubstances that are only found in marijuana. The most recognized is delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, which is also known as THC. Marijuana has been classified in many different ways. It has been classified as a psychedelic, stimulant, and also a depressant, and from my experience, marijuana is all those things and so much more. This psychedelic, stimulant, and depressant is primarily the drug of choice for adolescents.
There are two primary ways that marijuana is used; it is either smoked or ingested. The most common way of using marijuana is to smoke it, which has many negative effects. Smoking marijuana has been often compared to smoking cigarettes in different ways. A lot of pro-recreation marijuana users say that marijuana is an all-natural drug that doesn’t harm you at all. Sadly, these people believe they have justification for their actions. Marijuana is a highly toxic substance because it contains many toxic chemicals. These chemicals are hazardous to the health of anyone, especially teenagers. Out of these toxins, it is believed that numerous chemicals are carcinogenic, which means that they have qualities which can cause cancer. According to (first name) Jones and (first name) Lovinger, authors of The Marijuana Question and Science’s Search For an Answer,
Burning [marijuana] destroys some of the 426 compounds in cannabis and creates thousands of others. The smoke introduces many known toxic chemicals, such as such as carbon monoxide, hydrogen cyanide, and nitrosamines. These and many other poisonous substances occur in the
gas phase of the smoke from a marijuana joint and from a tobacco cigarette in similar concentrations. Among the particles in marijuana
smoke, chemists find considerably more of the carcinogenic hydrocarbons than in tobacco smoke’s particular phase. Various scientists view cannabis smoke as a potential source of cancer. The additional possibility that THC and some of the other sixty-one cannabinoids themselves are carcinogenic has been raised. (22)
The preceding statement proves that marijuana does have a level of toxicity, which means it contains toxins, and these toxins are quite possibly carcinogenic. A large myth among adolescent youth is that smoking marijuana is not as dangerous as smoking cigarettes. Once again, this is a false statement. It has been scientifically proven that smoking marijuana accumulates five times more carbon monoxide in the body, as compared to cigarettes (Hermes and Galperin 69). A large number of people that are pro-recreation legalization of marijuana use the favorable comparison of marijuana and cigarettes, but in actuality they have no base in their evidence or reasoning. Marijuana has more toxins than cigarettes, and there also are other infectious substances within marijuana. Not only are there toxins internally within the plant, but there are external factors that can account to the toxicity of the drug. According to James Hermes and Anne Galperin, authors of Marijuana: Its Effects on Mind and Body, “Salmonella bacteria or aspergillus fungi may infest marijuana and cause lung infections in smokers” (69). In general, marijuana is a highly toxic substance, and when smoked, it releases many carcinogenic elements. However, ignorance and denial are two of the many reasons teens use marijuana as their drug of choice. Most teens use marijuana due to the fact that they think it’s not really a drug, and it isn’t harmful like other narcotics. James Walker*, a current student at Eastern Illinois University, and an ex-marijuana smoker, maintains that, “[m]arijuana starts as a little thing…everyone says that it’s only weed and it’s not a big deal…[b]ut it eventually encompassed my life, and at that same time I still thought it wasn’t a big deal” (Personal Interview 28 Apr 2006). Teens, as well as some adults, smoke marijuana for the pleasant feeling of intoxication that it brings. They use it to relax themselves, to feel at peace, and to relieve anxiety. Aside from the illegal recreational use that goes on, there are other uses for the drug which are a lot more beneficial for people who are in need of a medicine.
The use of marijuana in medical cases has been prevalent for a while, and there are proven beneficial effects for people who are ill. Marijuana can be used in the treatment of several diseases and disorders. For example, marijuana is an effective substance used for the treatment of glaucoma, which refers to a number of diseases that take place in the eye. Marijuana can help reduce, and even stop, the intraocular pain, which is pain inside the actual eye. In addition, in certain cases of people with epilepsy, marijuana can be used to stop epileptic seizures. It also can be used for the treatment of chronic pain (Williams 69). Marijuana is also very useful for patients of multiple sclerosis. In the words of Mary E. Williams, editor of the book Marijuana: At Issue, “[m]arijuana can limit the muscle pain and spasticity of gait” (69). The most beneficent aspect of use of medicinal marijuana is the component of marijuana that reduces nausea and increases appetite. Anorexia nervosa is a serious condition in which people refuse to eat, out of the fear of becoming fat. This is a very serious condition which can indefinitely eventually become fatal. Marijuana can be effectively used on people who are anorexic. Once anorexics take marijuana, their appetite increases, and they become not as concerned with their weight. The effect of increasing appetite is not only limited to people who suffer from anorexia. In cases of patients with the Auto Immuno-Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), a deadly viral disease which weakens a person’s immune system, and could eventually lead to death, the use of marijuana therapeutically allows the patient to consume food, and also alleviates the nausea caused by heavy medications. In the words of Steve, a man who was diagnosed with AIDS;
I was given a chance to pull through, but I realized it was hard for me to eat. I was always nauseated and in pain. I also couldn’t concentrate on my future because I was freaked out by aspects of [d]eath and [d]ying…[c]ertain medications like morphine and Demerol and even Tylenol #3 left me incapable of handling my personal affairs and I needed to get my personal affairs [accomplished] in order in the event of my death…[a]nyway, after I left the hospital I found that as I smoked marijuana I wasn’t nauseated as often. I wasn’t suffering from pain as often, and when I was, I would smoke marijuana and I was able to overcome or endure the pain and nausea other medications couldn’t help me with. Psychologically it helps me control the panic that tries to arise everytime they say I’m going to die…. (Randall 17-18)
The most widely known use of marijuana therapeutically, is for the treatment of cancer patients who have undergone chemotherapy. According to Ahmed Khan, a medical student who is one semester away from graduating, the use of marijuana in chemotherapy
patients is extremely valuable. Chemotherapy is the process of treating cancer patients. Chemotherapy leaves the body very weak and very nauseous. Nausea, in turn causes the patients to vomit a great deal. The acidic base is altered after the process of chemotherapy. The vomiting, which in turn causes the internal balance of acidic equilibrium, or homeostasis, to be thrown off. This lack of electrolyte balance is very dangerous, and it possibly can be fatal. Marijuana is used as an anti-nauseating agent for chemotherapy patients. With marijuana use, the nausea is greatly reduced, which causes the fatal level of the lack of homeostasis to be drastically reduced. Basically, this means that in certain circumstances, marijuana can save lives. In addition, a person who goes through chemotherapy has a tendency to become cachetic, which means that they become malnourished and experience many symptoms such weight loss, muscle fatigue, and loss of appetite. Since they are extremely nauseated, they have no desire to eat food, because it only makes them want to vomit. Even if they eat food, the nutrients within the food aren’t utilized due to the nausea. Therefore, their bodies are malnourished of the nutrients that they need. Since marijuana acts as an anti-nausea agent, its use greatly lowers nausea, and their bodies are replenished with the nutrients that they need to have (Personal Interview 23 Mar. 2006). When used in proper medicinal circumstances, marijuana can be an extremely effective medicine to treat people with certain diseases and disorders. Many people belittle the fact that marijuana has potential benefits for certain ill people. The main difference between these medicinal cases and the recreational usage of marijuana is the fact that in some medicinal cases, a pill known as Marinol, is used to treat the sick. Marinol is a derivative of the cannabis sativa plant, it is
not smoked, and it does not bring the same euphoric high as when marijuana is smoked. However, the circumstance must be appropriately judged by a medical doctor. The problem with many youth is that they believe they know what is best for them. They believe they are certified with the knowledge of the drug. When people self-medicate themselves with marijuana, they often don’t understand the dangerous consequences to which they are becoming vulnerable.
Recreational use of marijuana has many effects on the body, these effects are things that a lot of using adolescents do not understand, or refuse to believe. The
American Academy of Family Physicians, an association of medical doctors who work in various fields of medicine, claims that some of the physical effects of marijuana use include tremors, headache, breathing problems, increased appetite, worsening coordination, reduced blood flow to the brain, and change in reproductive organs (2006). These chemicals undoubtedly cause damage to the respiratory system. Studies have shown that the damage from one joint of marijuana is equal to the damage of five cigarettes. Cigarettes are, without a doubt, addictive and carcinogenic. The known repercussions of smoking cigarettes are growing continually. However the effects of marijuana aren’t focused on as much. Considering the impairments cigarettes have been proven to do on smokers, the amount of damage that can be caused by marijuana is much higher. The use of marijuana greatly affects the throat and the bronchial tube by contracting the passage from the bronchial tube. For example, recreational use of marijuana causes chronic bronchitis. “The pulmonary effect of smoking marijuana leads to bronchodilation and in long-term use, it causes branchoconstriction and airway obstruction” (American Academy of Pediatrics 982-985). Chronic bronchitis is a serious disease which includes heavy coughing and wheezing. The effects of the constant coughing and constriction of airways includes the weakening of the lung. With the weakening of the lung, comes the risk of a greater chance to develop a lung infection. Generally speaking, marijuana weakens the immune system, making any user susceptible to all kinds of different diseases. Marijuana use causes accelerated heart rate and increased blood pressure. The most common effect on the circulatory system of a user is increased heart rate:
The elevated heart rate induced by marijuana rose much higher after exercise and marijuana severely retarded the return of the heart rate to resting levels. Because of the drug, it appears that the heart must work harder while less oxygen is delivered to it. Thus those who exercise after smoking marijuana may have to pay a “physiological price” not yet known.
Having the heart work at such rates is never beneficial, especially considering the fact that there are potential toxins in the lungs while this heart is severely impaired from returning to a normal pace; we can conclude that the body is at an unhealthy state. These effects are extremely negative for anyone; however when it is teens that are using, the adverse effects are greater, and could possibly last much longer. Adolescents are in one prime phase of their development. At that point their bodies are sort of like moulds, and any damage done can shape that mould permanently. Such damage to the heart and lungs may be irretrievable. Since adolescents are susceptible to all sorts of conditions, use of marijuana during teen years can cause many negative effects on the developing body.
Cannabis abuse during youth definitely has negative impacts on the body. Like excessive use of caffeine or tobacco, marijuana use can cause apparent physical effects, or also the lack thereof. In males, use of cannabis can cause gynecomastiain, which is the development of fat tissue around the breast area. (Hermes and Galperin 70). This is obviously not something that a young teenage boy would want to have, for it causes a great deal of embarrassment. Also, during the period of adolescence, factors such as primary and secondary sex characteristics are very important to the youth. To them the post-pubescent times are like a coming of age, the time of finally becoming a man or a woman. A lot of these teens believe that smoking marijuana makes them feel older, and after they smoke, they are not young kids anymore. Little do these youth know that use of marijuana causes impairments in their primary sex characteristics, which are the characteristics that involve procreation, and differentiate men from women. Marijuana use affects the production of hormones, which are relayed throughout the body via the pituitary gland. According to scholarly medical words of the American Academy of Pediatrics, “[h]eavy use of marijuana during puberty causes diminished sperm mobility, decreased sperm counts, decreased testosterone levels, irregular ovulation, and decreased pituitary gonadotropin levels” (982-985). The use of this substance recreationally can cause all the preceding damages to the user. The essence of being a man is to be able to procreate and spread healthy genes down the family line. Teen pot smokers have a real handicap when it comes to sexual activity, since, in essence, use of marijuana can lead to decreased libido. Even if they overcome their impotence, over the years, they will have a lack of sperm, and it will be hard for them to carry their genes and their family names down to the next generation. Even if they do successfully reproduce, their offspring will be vulnerable to many conditions.
Whether or not a male has had THC in his system, at the time of the conception of his child, is a key factor for birth defects. But what is even more important is whether the expectant mother is using at the time of pregnancy. Marijuana is a teratogen, which is a substance, condition, or a disease which causes abnormalities during the pre-natal and
post-natal phases of pregnancy. The use of cannabis during pregnancy can increase the risk of birth defects (Hall and Solowij 6). Typically, a mother who is using marijuana during pregnancy, tends to give birth to infants that are shorter, weigh less, and have smaller head circumferences, not to mention in addition a diminished immune system. (American Academy of Pediatrics 982-985). These birth defects are serious enough; however, there is more evidence that use during pregnancy causes diseases and disorders. “Marijuana use during pregnancy results in shorter gestation and increased risks of ocular hypertolerism and epicanthus” (Hermes & Galperin 71). The possibility of a baby being having a shorter gestation means that there is a probability of it being born prematurely. The rate of infant mortality is higher among babies that are born prematurely compared to those born on time. Not only are they at risk for death, premature babies must be put in bright and loud incubators. These incubators are not a place where a newborn should be. A newborn baby shouldn’t be surrounded by constant, extremely loud noises through the day, and at the same time be separated from his mother for such a long period, for many psychological issues are bound to develop after an infant experiences those conditions.. Even if teens or young adults are not planning to have children in the near future, there are many other effects to consider before thinking about taking a hit of marijuana. The most detrimental of effects are the effects on the brain.
Indeed, the brain is the most harmed victim of marijuana use and abuse during the teenage years. Moreau, Jacques-Joseph, author of Hashish and Mental Illness, and a Psychiatrist who lived in the 19th century, maintains that,
“[t]here is not a single manifestation of mental illness that cannot be found in the mental changes caused by hashish, from simple manic excitement to frenzied delirium, from the feeblest impulse, the
simplest fixation, to the merest injury to the senses, to the most irresistible drive, the wildest delirium, the most varied disorders of feelings.” (Jones and Lovinger 201)
Even as far back as the 1800s, certain people knew of the delirium that could be caused through marijuana use. Proof of this is evident today. Nathan, an ex-marijuana user, asserts that,
[a] group of my friends…while not using any other drug, just marijuana…claimed or acted as if they could fly. And they played this little game, taking a running start from one end of this long living room of mine and then they were going to crash out of the window--from, I guess, a fourth story I lived on--and fly…like Batman or Superman or whatever. And I was very frightened by that. I don’t think I happened to be stoned at that time, so I stood up on the couch in front of the window to sort of ward them off so they wouldn’t do this. And I remember being struck. But all they had that particular time was marijuana. (Jones and Lovinger 201)
This case of psychotic behavior being incited through the sole use of cannabis is not unique whatsoever.
According to Dr. Ravindra Chand, M.D., a medical doctor who exclusively concentrates on the brain and mind, the use of marijuana can instigate mental disorders. Dr. Chand is a Psychiatrist; therefore he deals with many people who have had substance problems. When asked about the dangers of marijuana on the brain, Dr. Chand said:
“I personally have seen, and have treated young teenagers, around 16 or 17 years of age, who were honor roll students, and who decided to try
marijuana. After they took one puff, their minds became severely impaired, and they have been committed to life-time mental institutions ever since that one hit. (Personal Interview 28 Mar 2006).
The severity of what marijuana can do to the brain is an issue that is constantly overlooked and ignored. It is unbelievable to see teens’ views on marijuana, when medical professionals have testified that even one dose of the drug can lead to serious consequences. In the words of Gabriel G. Nahas O.B.E., M.D., and P.h.D, the author of Keep Off the Grass: A Scientific Enquiry Into the Biological Effects of Marijuana,
“Cannabis usage, mostly smoking, produces acute toxic psychosis mainly among young people between fifteen and twenty years old who are in apparent good health, without any symptoms of physical disease…’it may occur after even one exposure to the drug’….” (76).
Unfortunately, this is another point which I have experienced. My use of marijuana led me to a period of delusion, a period where I had lost a total grip of reality, and where I experienced hallucinations (hallucinations that did not take place after initial use of the drug). I can trace the beginning of this period to shortly after my use of a certain kind of marijuana. After the intake of that marijuana, I started to feel abnormal, and other people around me had definitely noticed a change within me. This state led to many other problems regarding my health, such as depression, anxiety, and unexplained anger. The doctors maintained that the delusional state I had gone through was directly correlated to the use of substances, and not solely because of genetics, or defects in my brain. Therefore, my experience is an example of how the use of marijuana can lead to the incitement of mental disorders. My experience was a rough one, but luckily I got through it. I have not used marijuana for a long time, and I am simply appalled by the thought of it. The mental states I went through were due to the drug use, and the drug use has stopped, therefore I do not have any problems of being delusional anymore.
Besides the risk of developing delirium, one well known fact is that recreational marijuana use causes impairment to short-term memory. However, that isn’t the only function of the brain that is affected. A prevalent effect of marijuana use is development of anxiety. With the anxiety, comes lack of concentration and lack of focus. Marijuana users experience amotivational syndrome, which means they have no will to complete certain tasks. Rushdie Pasineh, the former cannabis smoker, maintains that,
[w]hen I was using marijuana, I had become very lazy, tired, and unfocused. I would sleep all day, and I would care little about school or my future. Now that I have stopped using marijuana, my life has come into focus, I am not sleeping all the time, and therefore I feel more alive. I feel that I can live life and have fun without smoking, which was never the case before. Before, I was a slave to a plant. (Personal Communication April 27, 2006)
Chemical dependence of marijuana is definitely bound to happen. I, as well as the group of drug using friends that I was associating with, had become slaves to cannabis. The addiction is something that grows very gradually, and the base of it is in the unconscious, rather than something that is blatantly obvious. For my friends and I, it came to a point where we were not able to have fun with out having marijuana. If nobody had weed or money, then most likely we would not feel like doing anything, unless there was a possibility of marijuana being involved. As far as physical dependence, I have a friend who does experience physical withdrawal when he goes without marijuana for a certain
period of time. Granted, his withdrawal is not as serious as something like heroin withdrawal, but he indefinitely goes through a good deal of trouble when he does not smoke. This concept of physical withdrawal from marijuana is something that many people flat-out deny, solely for the sake of their own argument. However, there is documented proof of the possibility of physical dependence of cannabis:
When volunteers were given 30mg doses of THC orally every 4 hours for 10-20 days, sudden cessation of the drug was associated with the appearance of irritability, restlessness, decreased appetite, marked sleep disturbance (including sleep EEG alteration), sweating, salivation, tremor, weight loss, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea and, in general, a clinical picture similar to that following chronic administration at moderate doses of many sedative-hypnotic drugs. (National Institute on Drug Abuse 152)
Here, once again, more proof is given about the negative physical and psychological effects of marijuana; however the preceding information was regarding withdrawal from the drug. When teens use marijuana, not only are they destructing their minds, but they can also be putting others in danger.
When intoxicated, marijuana users experience seriously impaired motor skills, and coordination. When it comes to driving, they gain a euphoric feeling, believing that they can drive just fine, while in actuality, their vision and coordination are impaired. Driving while high seems like no big deal, it always seems like it is just a game, when in fact it is far from that. According to Anna, an ex-marijuana user, “I used to drive after smoking marijuana-…[m]y reaction time was slower. The traffic lights looked brighter, and I would focus on the traffic lights instead of what it means. I was very easily distracted” (Jones and Lovinger 263). Driving under the influence of marijuana is also sometimes combined with alcohol, which in turn makes things a whole lot worse for the driver and the innocent bystanders. This idea of combining drugs brings out antagonistic effects, which are adverse effects from the mixing of two or more drugs.
Marijuana also brings antagonistic or synergetic effects when combined with other pharmaceuticals. Basically, the use of marijuana, mixed with prescription drugs, cause unwanted, harmful, and sometimes fatal effects. It is known that people, who have been associated with mood disorders, tend to be more likely to abuse marijuana, rather than someone who doesn’t have a mood disorder. The same goes for the other way around, which is that people who use marijuana are more likely to develop mood disorders. Having considered that point, many teens fail to recognize the potential detrimental effects that can take place when a person who is on anti-depressants decides to use marijuana to self-medicate their condition. Some of these effects include “…severe confusion, irregular heartbeat, hallucinations, and mood swings” (Weekly Reader Corp. 2). A person who is going through emotional problems already has it bad, so when these additional problems are added, things are very likely to become worse. What makes matters worse is that certain anti-depressants are known to increase the risk of adolescent suicide. When all of these elements are combined, they spell out one thing, disaster. This disaster, more often than not, is death.

The repercussions of recreational marijuana use make it clearly obvious that recreational use should not be allowed, however, since there are positive uses for certain ill patients, it should be allowed, under the supervision of medical professionals. Marijuana use has become so widely accepted and so common that many youth totally undermine the consequences of its use. The fact that many teens are slaves to the drug is a sad occurrence. From my experiences, and the things that I have been through, I would like to inform all the teens out there that it isn’t worth it. It is from the people who have experienced the hardships that lessons should be derived from. It would be a shame for people to learn this tough life lesson themselves, when there is someone standing, with a big red flag, and pleading that they do not go in the direction which they are heading. It starts off as a little thing, something that isn’t a big deal, but that little thing will compound continuously, and eventually turn into a huge problem. When hard drugs come into the picture, life can get very messed up. That isn’t to say those drugs will necessarily come up, but there is a greater chance with marijuana use. Inevitably, there will be physical and psychological damage done to you. So the next time (if) that joint comes around to you, remember that that one hit could severely impair your brain for the rest of your life.

Works Cited
American Academy of Family Physicians. “Adverse Effects of Marijuana”[Electronic Source]. American Family Physician 60 (9), pNA. 3 Apr. 2006, from Infotrac Database.
American Academy of Pediatrics. “Marijuana: A Continuing Concern For Pediatricians”[Electronic version]. Pediatrics, 104 (4), 982-985. 10 Apr. 2006, from Infotrac Database.
Chand, Ravindra, M.D. Personal Interview. 28 Mar. 2006.
Hall, W. & Solowij, N. “Adverse Effects of Cannabis”[Electronic Version]. The Lancet 6 (1611). 31 Mar. 2006, from Infotrac Database.
Hermes, William J.and Galeprin, Anne. Marijuana: Its Effects on Mind and Body. New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1992
Khan, Ahmed. Personal Interview. 23 Mar. 2006.
Jones, H.C., and Lovinger, P.W. The Marijuana Question and Science’s Search For an Answer. New York: Dood, Mead, and Company, 1985.
Nahas, Gabriel G. Keep Off the Grass: A Scientific Enquiry Into the Biological Effects of Marijuana. Oxford, England: Pergamon Press, 1979.
National Institute on Drug Abuse. Marihuana Research Findings:1976; Research Monograph Series 14. Rockville, Maryland: National Institute on Drug Abuse; 1976
Nowell, Bradley. “Smoke Two Joints”. (Performed by Sublime) 40oz. To Freedom. MCA Records: California, 1991.
Randall, R.C. Marijuana and AIDS: Pot, Politics & PWAs in America. Washington, D.C: Galen Press, 1991.
Walker, James*. Personal Interview. 28 Apr 2006.
Weekly Reader Corp. “Bad Company: Marijuana and Antidepressants”[Electronic version]. Current Health 2, A Weekly Reader Publication 24 (2) 2. 28 Mar. 2006, from Infotrac Database.
Williams, Mary E., ed. Marijuana: At Issue. Farmington Hills, Michigan: Greenhaven Press, 2003.

*Name has been changed for privacy issues.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amazing article buddy.. =]

Lets just hope more people read it and actually practice what's written in there rather than just applauding it and going back to smoking that sick f****** shit again..

Amazing details and works cited btw.. great job :D

10:58 AM


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